Professional Program Practice

Practice makes perfect so our students get plenty of it. To ensure that we’re training our students to be the very best, they get hundreds of hours of supervised practical experience to apply the knowledge they’ve learned in the classroom. Students train and serve our community in clinical practice sites at our on-campus Physical Therapy Clinic, Clinical Psychology Center, Curry Health Service Pharmacy, and DeWit RiteCare Speech, Language & Hearing Clinic as well as hospitals, clinics and retail pharmacies across the state. Our social work and public health students complete practicums in direct service non-profits filling a gap for these organizations that rely heavily on volunteers to support our communities.

Degree Program Experiential Program Hours
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology 2,700+ (includes internship year)
Master in Athletic Training 1200+
Master in Communicative Sciences & Disorders 375+
Doctorate in Pharmacy 1,600+
Doctorate in Physical Therapy 1,425+
Master in Public Health 200+
Bachelor of Social Work 450+
Master of Social Work 900+